a few definitions*. first-the word nutrition comes from nourish "to provide with food or other substances necessary for life and growth." and food-"material consisting essentially of protein, fat and carbohydrate used in the body…to sustain growth, repair, vital processes and to furnish energy." i recently read that out of 125 medical schools only about 30 require any nutritional education!
i was thinking about nutrition in regards to top 10 super food lists. these lists are interesting to compare in part because they are changing all the time as more research is being done and who is promoting what. dr. oz seems to be particularly popular-often after he does a segment on his show-yacon syrup is a recent example-the product will sell out. kale has had a makeover and remember when all anyone knew about chia was "pets".
after reading many lists two foods stood out as being mentioned most-broccoli and berries. the runners up-eggs, nuts and sweet potatoes. i predict there are also some fruits from south america that will soon be added to these lists. here are some of the other super foods. do any make your list and more importantly how many are you eating for super nutrition?
ginger quinoa
hemp spinach
cocoa black or green tea
wild salmon oats
coconut oil sea vegetables
*thank you webster's
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