Tuesday, October 28, 2014


robotics are all the rage these days. high school students design and compete with them. the japanese think they might become our future caregivers and companions. even though that's interesting this is a health/fitness blog so no robotics only probiotics and especially prebiotics.
there has been quite a bit of press on probiotics-those fermented foods- like sauerkraut, kimchi and  kombucha tea. the best known is probably yogurt, just make sure it has live cultures and preferably not much sugar.

but for optimal, overall health we also require prebiotics.  so here's a crash course on these important anti-inflammatory "good" bacterias. prebiotics are the nutrients for probiotics and are a type of food fiber found primarily in plants. no food contains both so if we want our probiotics to be healthy-which we do-we need to supply them with enough prebiotics. you could take supplements, some foods have prebiotics added to them or you can get them from the real thing. some examples are apples, almonds, honey, whole grain oats, bananas, raw onions, garlic, asparagus and dandelion greens. to get an added benefit combine a pre and probiotic such as having your yogurt with a banana.

so how much do you need and can you get enough from food? our early hunter gatherer ancestors are thought to have eaten around 135 grams a day while the recommended amount for us is only 5-8 grams a day! so what might you eat to equal that amount- about 1 ounce of dandelion greens, a half ounce of sunchokes or about 2 ounces of raw leeks-sounds like a salad to me.

there is more research currently being done on the importance of prebiotics. but if you need some more reasons to boost your intake of prebiotics- they may also help with calcium absorption and  help with weight loss, too.

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