- eating high calories foods such as potatoes (of course a baked potato is better than chips but it also depends on what is added on top), white rice, anything made with white flour. sweets and desserts too often. processed meats and too much red meat in general. when eating red meat remember portion control and if possible buy grass fed.
- drinking your calories. soda-not good. either you are getting high fructose corn syrup or artificial sweeteners*. there is a difference in the body's response to carbs in liquids compared to in solid food even with the same number of calories. the carbs in liquid form will add to more weight gain. so this leads to...alcohol. moderation is the key. many people tend to eat more as they drink more.
- too little or too much sleep. this is primarily due to how our hormones activate during sleep. most research indicates that 7-8 hours a night is best for most people. you should be in a completely dark room.
- too much screen time means too much sitting and often the snacking that goes with it.
- not moving enough, i.e. walking. and we need to do more as we age not less in part because our metabolisms go down.
*in last week's post are details about what is actually in coke besides what is used for sweetness.
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