nobody wants to be fat and especially nobody wants belly fat*. as i posted last week, taking a pill that claims to burn only body fat does not work. but what does work?
it was thought that consistent, low intensity cardio** was the best way to burn body fat. but no. it seems the harder you work out the more total calories are burned including fat calories. recent research has shown that what works best is HIIT-high intensity interval training. i won't go into all the science but HIIT also burns belly fat faster.
this doesn't mean that you need to go crazy hard especially if you are just starting out***. but if you can do (or work up to) 75-80% of your maximum intensity-this equals just about being able to talk-when doing cardio and do it for 20 minutes or more your body will burn fat.
HIIT is more involved with weight/strength training, not just cardio. it is what its name describes. basically one does a variety of sets using weights with little rest in-between. an example would be doing as many loaded squats in a minute as you can and then rest for 15 seconds before going on to your next exercise.
any exercise is great but if you are serious about becoming leaner, healthier and stronger it takes increasing the intensity of what you close to do. it doesn't have to be HIIT but remember it needs to be intense-at least 75% intense.
*belly fat is especially bad for our health and our posture
**being in the "fat burning zone"
***if you haven't been exercising it is always best to check with your doctor before starting a program
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