ok-there is chronological age and then there is your "fitness" age. to find this out you need to do a demanding treadmill test that determines your VO2 max-your peak oxygen intake. the better your VO2 max the more fit you are and the "younger" you are-your fitness age. many of us do not have access to this test nor do we really want to do it. but, as reported in the ny times, scientists have figured out a way to measure this without the dreaded treadmill test. if you put your waist measurement, resting heart rate*, age, sex, and how much you exercise you do into an algorithm the result will be an accurate prediction of your VO2 max and thus your fitness age. even better, there is a calculator available online at www.ntnu.edu/cerg/vo2max. put in the two numbers listed above with the other info and find out your results. hopefully your fitness age is lower than your chronological age! if not, and you want to improve it-you know what's coming-exercise more or increase the intensity of your workouts. here's the link.....
cerg fitness calculator
*resting heart rate-best to take in the am just after you wake up. count your heart beats for 15 seconds then multiply by 4
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