Tuesday, June 3, 2014

10 Best Exercises, cont.

how many times, everyday, do we sit and stand or bend and lift? these are movements of everyday living and the squat is the exercise that strengthens the muscles used during these movements.  so the squat is my number 2 classic best exercise. no other equipment is needed to do squats although there are many variations-isometric, TRX, single leg, etc. that do incorporate such items as weights or bands.
the squat works your lower body and core. some of the variations can turn it into a full body exercise.

stand with your arms either by your sides or straight out in front at shoulder height.* feet should be shoulder width apart and pointing straight or at a slight outward angle. brace (engage) your core and lower your body down by moving your hips backwards, bending your knees until your thighs are about parallel to the floor. pause then come back up pushing through your heels. repeat. pretty straightforward but there are a few don'ts:

  • don't let your knees go in front of your feet
  • don't lock your knees
  • don't round your lower back
  • don't lower your arms-keep them at shoulder height 
  • don't lean too far forward-if you feel your weight on the balls of your feet then your are too far forward
by doing squats you are working your quads, hamstrings and glutes-the major muscles we need to keep strong as we get older. we have all known people of a certain age that can no longer get up from a chair without help. in the future i don't want you to be one of those people and by doing squats along with other exercises you won't be.

*always remember to warm up before starting any exercise 

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