i learned of yacon syrup last fall and when i went to order some it was already sold out and this was even before dr. oz featured it on his show! is it a weight loss aid and more? but first, what is it? yacon is a tuber, looks like a sweet potato, is grown in the andes and the syrup made from it is used as a sweetener. some compare the taste to molasses, raisins or figs. it is lower in calories than most sweeteners-having 20 per tablespoon, contains prebiotics and fiber so sounds pretty good although taking too much can cause intestinal distress. yacon contains FRUCTOOLIGOSACCHARIDES-wow! our gut bacteria like this stuff. when we consume it the taste is sweet but our body doesn't recognize it as "food" so it passes right through-that's partly how it works.
if you want to try it start with a small amount such as one teaspoon an hour before meals. you cannot bake with it. make sure you get 100% yacon syrup with no additives.
at this time there is very little actual research and only one study that supports weight loss claims. it may have real benefits but it is too soon to tell. if history teaches us anything about so called magic pills or foods for weight loss we should all know by now that there is no such thing*-just eat less and move more!
*unless you count having your stomach stapled as magic
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