Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Recently Reported

here are some of items that recently caught my attention in the news. i use the term "news" loosely. the news used to be about important happenings around the world- "all the news that's fit to print"* -such as the terrible tragedy in nepal and not that madonna tripped during a performance. so....

  • many pro athletes are going gluten-free for better performance.
  • dr. oz-what to make of this? not sure. is it mostly about the non-gmo labeling issues and big business or something else? chipotle mexican grill is big business but they just announced that they are going totally non-gmo.
  • coaches giving their college athletes  low fat chocolate milk as the perfect (unless one is lactose intolerant and/or doesn't do dairy) after workout recovery fuel. most of the colleges mentioned own their own milk cows.
  • sandra bullock as one of the most beautiful people but some people complained how that could not be possible as she is over 50!
  • in regards to the above-not the beautiful part but the age part-jeb bush who is also over 50 and will most likely be running for president against some much younger men is currently on the paleo diet, so far having lost about 30 pounds. good for him-we all know how hard it is to lose weight  although i would remind him to be careful with his favorite snack-almonds-as they have 530 calories in a cupful
  • spanx is a $400 million a year product line in the shape wear area but is running into trouble as it seems that trends are shifting to the line of clothing called athleisure that is much less constricting, more about comfort and the diversity of women's bodies. too thin fashion models may be banned from the paris runways. how about healthy bodies being beautiful?
  • a harvard neurosurgeon, scientist, neurologist, whatever states that the single, most simple thing we can all do to keep our brains healthy as we age-you guessed it-exercise
to end-i have never worn spanx nor do i think that madonna or sandra has-did you see her in gravity?- they exercise. jeb also knows that besides diet he needs to exercise-he runs up stairs-but there is a line of spanx for men, just in case. i am gluten free and upon the rare occasion that i crave chocolate milk its chocolate almond milk. are those college milk cows non-gmo?

*the new york times tag line

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Allergic to Spring?

i so look forward to spring but like many people it seems the older i get the more spring allergies that i have. previously i have posted on how honey-local honey-is believed by many to reduce the symptoms-itchy eyes, runny nose, sore throat-that happen in the spring as everything starts to bloom. i was curious what other foods might help us naturally to fight these symptoms. the following  have been researched, seem to help and are good for us in many other ways. so try more of them and see if they  make a difference for you.

  • oranges, apples and red grapes
  • almonds
  • broccoli
  • yogurt
  • capers
  • onions and scallions

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Its Taxing!

     its april 15th and our 1040's are due. many of us find this annual chore taxing, to say the least and i know i do as did many of the people i encountered at the post office doing last minute mailing. of course those who file early and/or get a refund probably are feeling better about the entire experience.
     but if you are one of those feeling stressful here's a reminder about some of the foods that help reduce stress naturally:

  • foods containing tryptophan such as turkey, pumpkin seeds and shrimp
  • brussels sprouts, asparagus and broccoli are good for their high folic acid content
  • especially if you live in northern states getting enough vitamin d along with some actual sunlight helps
  • vitamin c such as in fresh fruits (avoid just juice) can lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol 
  • if stress increases your desire for crunchy snacks try carrot sticks with hummus or celery sticks with some almond butter. nuts are great for crunch but remember that a 1/2 cup has about 265 calories
     many financial advisers recommend that now is a good time to review our money matters for the upcoming tax year so that we have time to make any changes. my suggestion is to also review your stress level and see what changes  you can make in your life to reduce stress and improve your overall health during the year. remember "the first wealth is health"*.

*r.w. emerson

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Staying Young

     spring chicken (stay young forever or die trying) by bill gifford, currently on the ny times best seller list, takes us through the most current studies on staying healthy for the long term. he has an easy to read style with a combination of humor combined with more serious information.
     in case you don't have time to read this book here are a few of his key findings-many of which you might already know. the big number one-keep moving! he and i can't stress this enough. red wine in moderation, coffee, curcumin, vitamin d but also with some  real sunlight on your skin, aspirin/ibuprofen (talk with your doctor first about this), and of course as much kale as you can eat-all recommended to help us stay young.
     and one more important activity he writes about in his book in order  to stay young-give hugs!