Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Better Breakfast

prior to my annual physical i had blood work done the other morning which meant no breakfast until after it was done (by jose the vampire no less!). not a big deal but i love breakfast and not just for the caffeine boost so i couldn't wait to get back home. no fast food breakfast for me. i hope you like breakfast too. many people, especially women, skip this meal but there are quite a few reasons why that is not a good idea: women who skip breakfast have a increased chance of developing type 2 diabetes; men and women have increased risk of heart disease, elevated blood sugar levels and hypertension if they skip; many studies have shown that to lose weight and keep it off over time eating breakfast is a key factor;  when you eat breakfast everyday your memory improves and you jump start your metabolism. it is important that you also eat breakfast within an hour of waking up to achieve the metabolism jump start. after all it is break fast.
the other important part of breakfast is that it is nutritious! that does not mean just sugar and carbs like in  a donut.
eggs, oatmeal, grapefruit, berries, plain greek yogurt, coffee or tea are all good choices. remember some of these from my last post on super foods?
what did i have when i got back home-water, coffee with coconut milk and my own special protein muffin with some almond butter. yum. i will post the recipe next week.
meanwhile if a better breakfast has not been part of your morning routine, please give it a try. it need not take much time to make and will make the rest of your day better.

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