Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Watching Weight

     its december 30th and have you noticed the increase in ads related to weight loss appearing everywhere? already. just one tip-if you are interested in loosing weight (or maintaining a healthy weight) the latest research suggests that you weigh yourself once a week-every week. and the best day to do this is on a wednesday! i won't go into details. perhaps this is one part of the success of weight watchers. although i have know many women who lost weight going to weight watchers most of them gained it back when they stopped going. did they also stop weighing themselves, was that part of the cause of gaining the weight back?
     wishing you all a healthy, happy new year and to visiting the scale every wednesday in 2015.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Holiday Reminders

just a few reminders to help you feel better and avoid that tight waistband during this holiday season:

  • drink plenty of water
  • as far as drinks-watch out for those alcohol (empty) calories adding up
  • don't deny- just use portion control
  • weather permitting-go for a walk. if not do some type of exercise indoors to elevate your heart rate and reduce stress
  • take some time away from tech and enjoy face time with family and friends
best wishes and happy holidays 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Ten Best Classic Exercises-#10

     number ten has various names-spinal extension, arm/leg extension, superman (woman) and pilates swimming. i like these last two and if you can imagine yourself "swimming" or flying through the air like superman while laying on the floor you  have a good visual of what you will be doing.
     this exercise works many muscles including your erector spine (flexes the spine), quadratus lumborum (flexes the trunk) and the infraspinatus (muscles that help stabilize your shoulders)-all very important. your own body weight is enough and it is important to have correct form. remember to breathe and start slowly-these are muscles that are often neglected so you might feel some soreness but just like with any exercise if you feel any pain stop.

how to:
      lie on your stomach with your arms and legs extended straight out. your legs should be hip distance apart and your arms shoulder distance apart. palms down, toes pointed and face towards the floor. lift your arms and legs off the floor. making small movements like your are kicking in water lift one leg and the opposite arm a little higher while lowering the other pair. after repeating the "swimming" several times go back to the start position then back down flat on the floor. don't get discouraged if you can only do a few of these. like i mentioned these are muscles that many of us neglect. as you do this exercise make sure to keep your arms and legs straight, hips down and your shoulders down and back. the goal is a fluid motion with proper form not how high you raise your arms and legs.

     so this completes my ten best classic exercises. if you regularly do a combination of them along with alternating aerobic activities you actually could become a superwoman (or superman-i do have some male followers)!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Gluten Free Buckwheat Noodle Soup

winter is just about here when a bowl of soup and a salad make a great meal, especially if it is a hearty soup (and i don't mean campbells). this is my hot version of a traditionally cold buckwheat noodle soup from korea called naeng myun. the traditional cold version features a rich broth* that was then poured into a bowl containing cooked buckwheat noodles, kimchee juice, some vegetables a soft boiled egg and some julienned pear or apple to offset the tartness from the kimchee juice. as this was a summer meal it was meant to be light.
     so here is my hot version -hope you will give it a try. it is meant as a starting point and soups in general are quite flexible as to their ingredients. the meat and egg can be left out and with vegetable broth you will have a vegan version.

1/2pkg buckwheat noodles (also called soba) cooked according to pkg. and drained. if you want    gluten free make sure you buy the korean variety made with buckwheat and sweet potato flour.
4 cups broth of your choice
2 cups fresh baby spinach or other greens of your choice such as arugula, cabbage, etc.
1 onion cut into thin slices
1 bunch scallions cut into 1" pieces inc. green ends
1-2 cups sliced mushrooms
3 large garlic cloves minced (or more!)
3" piece of fresh ginger grated
1-2 cups cooked meat of your choice, diced
1 tablespoon each of sesame seed oil, g-free soy sauce, vinegar of choice and  rice wine vinegar
     (or 2 tbl of whatever vinegar you have on hand or the same amount of kimchee juice if you want a more traditional and spicier soup.
salt and pepper to taste.
optional-cooked egg, julienned pear or apple, sesame seeds

cook noodles, set aside
saute onions in sesame seed oil until they soften
add in scallions, garlic, ginger and sauté over medium heat for several minutes
heat broth, add in above plus the mushrooms, fresh greens, meat, vinegars and soy sauce
bring to a slow boil, let simmer for several minutes
taste-adjust seasonings if needed
laddle soup into bowls containing a good portion of noodles
add the optional ingredients if desired-enjoy

*hot broth is the new thing in nyc this winter instead of coffee

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Ten Best Classic Exercises-Number 9

the wall sit

     since we just had our first snow here and many ski areas are already open the wall sit comes to mind as many consider it a "getting ready to ski" exercise- but it is more than just that. my late husband was an avid skier so when i met him i learned too but this was before i exercised and also when i had a desk job. the results-after my first weekend on the bunny slope every part of my body hurt and i could not hardly walk.  forget stairs!
     the wall sit works all the muscles isometrically-you are not moving but staying in one position until the "burn" and you just can't do it any longer. your body should form 90 degree angles and at the end you need to stand back up, not collapse to the floor.
     all  you do is stand against a wall, walk your feet out while sliding your upper body down the wall until you are sitting, sitting on air. it is important to keep your head up looking forward, pull in those abs, keep your knees over your ankles and your feet flat on the floor. rest your hands on your hips or lap. that's all there is to it.
     the wall sit is another classic exercise that you can do anywhere, no equipment needed and that will make you stronger. i certainly learned my lesson after that first weekend skiing about being stronger. even if  skiing is not in your future plenty of stairs will be.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Be Mindful/Give Thanks

brian wansink, phd who wrote "mindless eating" has a new book titled "slim by design". since i am interested, as many of you are, in mindfulness, design and slimness i thought i would check it out.  he writes on how to redesign the main locales in which we encounter food-our kitchens, grocery stores, restaurants, etc. -to promote healthier, mindful eating that may also lead us to being slimmer. one of his main ideas is that it is easier to change our environments than to change our minds.
     some of his ideas, based on research, should be familiar. here is a selection of some of his main suggestions.*

  • willpower alone does not work for most people with 75% of dieters giving up in the first month of their diets. small changes that you can live with work best for a steady weight loss. 
  • don't hang out in the kitchen! the only food on your kitchen counters should be a big bowl of fruit. this is basically the out of sight out of mind rule and he also suggest using this rule in arranging your cabinets, pantry and frig. wrap that leftover piece of pecan pie in aluminum foil not clear wrap so that it's not staring at you every time you open the door
  • use smaller plates! his research also indicates that if the plate is close to the color as the food that is on it that we will eat 18% more food. i'm not so sure that i believe this one.
  • speaking of color-the best kitchen colors are mid tones-not too dark nor too light (although white kitchens seem to be making a comeback lately). ok but we are not supposed to be hanging out in the kitchen anyway
  • if you have a dining room and use it, dim the lights and have soft music playing. it should slow everyone down giving our brains a chance to tell us when we are full
  • of course no bread at restaurants but always get water even when having wine or a cocktail
  • and these are my tips-many times when you think you are hungry what your body needs is water so give it what it really needs. and if you are not hungry enough to eat a piece of fruit guess what, you aren't hungry- you're doing mindless eating and it probably has a lot of calories!
    so you get the picture. many of us are so rushed, distracted and/or multitasking that we are not mindful when we eat and we should try to be. a good time to practice mindfulness would be this thursday-slow done and be thankful for all that we have. happy holiday!

*if you're interested in promoting change in your workplace or children's school i suggest you take the time to read the book.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


recently some friends and i were commenting on how we feel hungry all the time! and not, it seems, hungry for more apples or carrots but more for brownies or mashed potatoes. maybe you've been feeling this way, too. so what's going on?
     it is not our imagination, we do tend to eat more in the winter-200 more calories a day on average- with most adults gaining 1-2 pounds over the winter. that wouldn't be so bad if the weight were lost in the spring but many times it just adds up with many 50 year olds being 30 pounds heavier that they were in high school-not a good thing.
     there is debate on why this happens but it is probably a combination of factors. if you think about evolution we needed extra calories to get us through the winter when food might be scarce. the colder temperatures in winter (unless you head down south) drop our body temps which signals our brains to tell us to warm up and one of the fastest ways to do this is to consume carbs and sugars that "heat up" the body quickly. this in turn can create that spike in insulin that just makes us crave even more calories. carbs and sugars are not in  the comfort foods category for no reason. we feel better after eating them as they make our serotonin levels rise. another factor is that many of us exercise less in the winter causing our serotonin levels to drop. i think we can see what is happening here.
     it's also harder what with less sunlight, holiday parties, snow, and/or family expectations to not give in to all the stresses and food treats that are more common this time of year. but be aware-try to keep up with exercise and if you are feeling hungry or moody try having a snack containing fiber and some protein rather than just empty calories-as comforting as they might be. you might think so but remember that the third cookie or second piece of pie will not taste any better or make you much happier than the first!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Number 8-Best Classic Exercises

counting down-hope you have been doing some (all!) of these best classic exercises.* when i started with this exercise-the triceps dip, also called the bench dip- i could do maybe 2! triceps make up 66% of the backs of your upper arms. obviously named as there are 3 muscles that make up the triceps, they are especially important when lifting heavy objects. this exercise also works your core-an added benefit. all you need is a strong chair, bench or i even use my coffee table.
all you do is sit on the edge of whatever you are using with your palms on the edge and your fingers hanging down. keeping your arms straight and feeling your weight in your hands lift your hips off of the edge while moving your legs out in front of you. your feet should be flat on the floor making a right angle between your hips and body. while keeping your back straight and your head up lower your body down bending at the elbows without elevating your shoulders. press back up again-not with your legs- until your arms are straight and repeat. you will feel your triceps working!
start slowly and build up your strength and number of reps. as with any exercise if you feel any pain you should stop immediately but a little soreness is to be expected especially when using those muscles that have been waiting around for you to pay attention to them.

*although my blog title is "studio 65 functional fitness for women" and is geared towards women's health and fitness issues many  posts, such as those about my ten best classic exercises, and others also apply to men. 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

goats head soup

vegans and vegetarians read no further but if you are paleo or just eat meat and/or care about the environment and sustainability then read on.

yes, i am a stones fan but no, their album titled "goats head soup" did not start me thinking about eating goat meat (history on the stones below). like many, my introduction to this meat (people here do consume goat cheese but little of the meat) was outside of the usa. this is not unusual as goat is the most widely eaten meat in the rest of the world. i had a tasty experience my first time with a goat meat stew-not head soup!- in the caribbean although many tourists get turned off by goat that is not  prepared well and ends up dry and tough.

but give it another chance. goats are not raised (yet) in huge factory farms and are not given growth hormones. it has more flavor, more protein and iron than beef (see the chart below), is low in calories and has less fat than chicken. sounds pretty good. but because of the low fat content it benefits from recipes that add moisture during cooking such as stews or curries.

with a little searching you can probably find goat meat in your locale. i'm actually searching right now and plan to experiment with some recipes. will let you know.

 comparisons:                 calories               protein
3 ounces of goat                122                   23 gr.
       "            beef               180                   22
        "     chicken               162                   21

so back to the stones. goats head soup was the stones 13th album and their 3rd number one album. we're way back in the 70"s here. they began recording in jamaica so it is thought that that is where the title came from. but i think there is a little more to the story as goat heads soup is thought by some to be an aphrodisiac.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


robotics are all the rage these days. high school students design and compete with them. the japanese think they might become our future caregivers and companions. even though that's interesting this is a health/fitness blog so no robotics only probiotics and especially prebiotics.
there has been quite a bit of press on probiotics-those fermented foods- like sauerkraut, kimchi and  kombucha tea. the best known is probably yogurt, just make sure it has live cultures and preferably not much sugar.

but for optimal, overall health we also require prebiotics.  so here's a crash course on these important anti-inflammatory "good" bacterias. prebiotics are the nutrients for probiotics and are a type of food fiber found primarily in plants. no food contains both so if we want our probiotics to be healthy-which we do-we need to supply them with enough prebiotics. you could take supplements, some foods have prebiotics added to them or you can get them from the real thing. some examples are apples, almonds, honey, whole grain oats, bananas, raw onions, garlic, asparagus and dandelion greens. to get an added benefit combine a pre and probiotic such as having your yogurt with a banana.

so how much do you need and can you get enough from food? our early hunter gatherer ancestors are thought to have eaten around 135 grams a day while the recommended amount for us is only 5-8 grams a day! so what might you eat to equal that amount- about 1 ounce of dandelion greens, a half ounce of sunchokes or about 2 ounces of raw leeks-sounds like a salad to me.

there is more research currently being done on the importance of prebiotics. but if you need some more reasons to boost your intake of prebiotics- they may also help with calcium absorption and  help with weight loss, too.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Ten Best Classic Exercises, cont.

women are especially at risk for losing strength in their upper bodies (we have less to begin with than men) especially as we age. i probably realized this fact- as well as the resulting flabby upper arms-a little too late. how did i not notice this? i won't mention any of the many names for this reality but you know what i'm talking about. strength is most  important to maintain but aren't we all just a little vain no matter what our age?
all is not lost but improvement takes consistent work and with weight. one classic exercise that targets the triceps as well as the shoulders and the muscles along the neck is the shoulder press. anyone can do this, all you need are some dumbbells or at least some kind of weight that you can hold in each hand.

  • stand straight with a slight knee bend
  • holding the weights raise your arms with bent elbows (but don't lock them) so that the weights are at about ear height. use a relaxed grip with the weights
  • your palms should be facing forward
  • raise (press) the weights over head
  • lower back down-not too far down- elbows should be around shoulder height. elbows should also stay in line with your body- you don't want them to move behind you
  • repeat for 8-12 reps
looking for an added challenge-do the shoulder press while sitting on a stability ball. change will happen, just not overnight and you really do need to progress the weight. if it doesn't take much effort to do 12 reps it's time to progress (increase) the weight.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Personal Training @ Studio 65

there has been some confusion about how studio 65 fitness works. my approach is centered on functional movement, strength training and cardio to enhance overall health and fitness using classic exercises and the best in new equipment. an approach also taken by the master trainer that i posted about last week.  unlike many personal trainers i will (if you are interested) teach you how to workout on your own with the most efficient use of your time. many people don't have the discipline to work out on their own but if you do, for instance after you get started, i might only see you once a month to chart your progress and to show you some different exercises to keep things interesting.  there are no contracts to sign here. or you might like to come with a friend, something that helps many people commit since you support and encourage each other. and of course  i will always be there to offer you  support and encouragement.

my goal is to help people-especially women-learn to love (ok like) working out so that as we age we can improve-or at least maintain-our health, strength and weight. twenty five dollars for thirty minutes, thats all it takes.

any questions? just email me at studio65fitness@gmail.com

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Personal Training Session

i had the opportunity this past weekend to spend some time at a private gym observing a master trainer with his client. the 3 room gym was filled with sleek black or silver exercise machines. each room had a purpose-one for serious weight lifting, one for the lower body and one for upper body and cardio. a machine to work out every part of the body. most had seats and many had seats with backrests. so what did the trainer have his client do for 30 minutes? not anything that involved a machine. he had his client do 3 sets, about 10 reps each of 5 different exercises (such as some of my 10 best) using dumb bells, the vipr* and body weight movements. the client never sat down until the very end when the workout was over.

does this tell you anything? it should.

*the vipr is a relatively new piece of exercise equipment that comes in different weights that looks like a large tube with various handles cut out of it. many types of movements can be done by holding it in various positions.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Close Encounters....

it has gotten warm here again*, very warm for the end of september so the crickets are back chirping away which doesn't usually bother me but they have decided to also chirp away in my basement. now that would be ok too as they are harmless to humans but they have also been coming up into the house and besides being noisy they are unusually big! bugs don't usually freak me out much but when they get past about 2 inches  and when you are not expecting them to be in your bathroom in the middle of the night it is a little unnerving.  so what does this have to do with fitness or nutrition? they are now being considered as the next best protein filled, gluten free, sustainable, paleo- although not vegan- flour! without going into too much detail they are roasted and ground up. already several companies are making protein bars and various cake/cookie blends. by weight the flour has half the amount of protein of chicken or beef although those who are allergic to seafood should not indulge. sustainable is the big word here in talking about protein as the cost (and i don't mean just money) of beef, chicken and pork protein is huge.
i've had so many close encounters lately that for a gluten free flour with protein i will just stick with almond and buckwheat flours- for now.

*too hot for soup recipe and this topic seems to be jumping out all over

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


this post represents my 52nd weekly blog post-a complete year!-so instead of my usual topics on fitness/food/lifestyle i would like to thank my readers for going on this journey with me. i hope you will continue to do so and recommend my blog to others. the easiest way to keep in touch is to add your email address in the box above my photo, hit submit and you will receive the current post in your mail box.
this first day of fall is beautiful so i am going for a walk-hope you can too. back to topics next week.

ps: please remember that besides being a fitness blogger that i am also a certified trainer and would be happy to meet you for a complimentary session. studio65fitness@gmail.com

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Gluten Free/What's in a Name?

living gluten free i've been researching other types of flours/grains that are also more healthy than some of those that are used in gluten free products and baking-like buckwheat. this great seed, not a grain, is from a plant related to rhubarb (who knew?) and has been cultivated for thousands of years in china, japan and korea. it also goes by the name "kasha" in eastern europe where it has been a food staple for many years. most are familiar with the japanese term "soba" noodles and in korea buckwheat noodles are called "naeng myun". some soba noodles contain wheat but the korean variety is usually made with some sweet potato flour so is completely gluten free.
ok. but what about the name buckwheat? no one is certain but it has something to do with its shape that resembles the seeds of beech trees which led to the name beechwheat that then became buckwheat. really!
buckwheat has no gluten and is low on the glycemic scale. a cup of the flour has about 580 calories, 23 grams of protein and good amount of iron, b-2, b-3, b-6, magnesium and is high in fiber. once opened the flour should be stored in the frig.
recently having run out of almond flour i made my "better breakfast" muffins* using all buckwheat flour. the flavor was quite strong although not unpleasant and their texture was a little dense. i think combining some of the buckwheat flour with the almond flour will make a good combination. of course pancakes are made from buckwheat and in france, their "galettes" are actually thin buckwheat pancakes-but please call them crepes.
as fall will be arriving next week, i will share my version (hot not cold) of the traditional korean soup using naeng myun.
so meanwhile don't let the name fool you and give buckwheat a try.

*blog post 4/15/14

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Ten Best Exercises- #6

the burpee. where did this name come from? well it came from a physiologist in nyc by the name of royal h. burpee. he developed a simpler version of the exercise that we know today as part of a fitness test for his patients in the late 1930's. and you know how to do it right?* this exercise, also called the squat thrust,  has transitional movement like the turkish get up but is simpler to do and no other weight-beyond your own-is needed. when you see this exercise on video it is often done very quickly but remember that the movement quality is more important than the speed.

1. stand upright-all the usual-tighten core, shoulders down and back, head up
2. bend at the hips with your butt out while slightly bending your knees. keep bending and bring your hands down flat in front of your feet.
3. feet go back putting  you in a pushup position,
4. lower your body to the ground. keep your elbows close to your body and your wrists aligned with your shoulders.
5. quickly push up by making your arms straight while your hips move up and your knees come forward.
6. this should bring you to a squat position with your arms straight out in front of you.
7. come out of the squat with a strong jump up. point your toes to the floor and raise your arms overhead.
8. come back to position #1 and repeat.

*it sounds more complicated than it really is. and it's not just done for punishment!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Ralph Lauren Polo Tech Shirt

most people would call me low tech as i don't even have a smart phone (yet) but at least that means i am not walking around with terrible posture and my head is towards the ground. but i am curious about the new polo shirt-the polo tech-that measures calories used, heart rate and more- data that is then sent to your smart phone. this is called biometrics* and works because sensors in the form of a silver thread are woven into the fabric. david lauren the senior vp of marketing said "our vision is that this will transcend sports to help us at every age and in every aspect of life. reaching far beyond just the needs of elite athletes, polo tech will offer innovative technology for all ages and lifestyles to promote general wellness and quality of life."
the shirts are being introduced at this years u.s. open tennis tournament and are expected to be available to the rest us beginning in 2015. i plan to get one. why? to get the most out of the time we workout it is important to know if we are working at the most optimal heart rate zone and this shirt will make that and other information much easier to access. guess i will be getting a smart phone after all.

if you would like more info or visuals go to www.image.net/RLPoloTech

*biometrics is a term that has been in use since the early 1900's. it is the measurement and analysis of physical or behavior  characteristics in humans

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Ten Best Exercises-#5

turkish coffee, turkish delight, turkish get-up. what? that's right, the turkish get-up is my #5 best classic exercise. everyone laughs at the name and it seems very simple to do but just try it-even without a weight- and then see what you think.
it is thought that wrestlers in the 19th century developed this total body exercise but in my mind it was pavel (pavel is very well known and his mouthful of a last name isn't needed) who re-introduced it using a kettle bell. if you only have time for one strength exercise this is the one for you.
again, for the most benefit it needs to be done correctly. the get-up will make you stronger everywhere while improving your upper and lower body stability. only equipment needed is a weight you can hold with one hand (such as a kettle bell, dumb bell or even a bottle of water) and an exercise/yoga mat.
you lie on your back (some start on side and roll onto the back) while holding a weight in one hand raised directly above your shoulder. then just get-up keeping that weighted arm straight above the shoulder the whole time while also keeping your head up with eyes on the weight. your core should be engaged, back stable and shoulders down. stand completely up then do the reverse and lower yourself back down.  start with 3 times on each side. just 3-sounds easy right?
there is a correct sequence to doing a turkish get-up. it is considered a more advanced exercise. there are quite a few videos on you tube showing the movements involved. give it a try and if you do it consistently* you will be delighted with the results.

*as one gets more proficient more weight is held

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Summer's Not Over Yet

summer's not over yet so get to the beach! an ocean beach with lots of sand. recently i got to enjoy walking barefoot* on the  beach. did i and my feet get a workout-i had forgotten how much more strenuous this type of walking is. in fact, walking on the beach, besides what it does for one's eyes/soul/stress levels, burns from 2-3 times as many calories as hard surface walking. this also applies to beach volleyball, running, jumping, etc. at the beach. sand is an unstable surface (also low impact) and the body must work harder to maintain balance so more muscles are being utilized and so more calories are burned. some of the larger fitness centers have even been creating sand boxes for members to work out in based on this idea, as well as it being different and fun.
i hope to get in another trip to the beach before the end of summer-hope you do too. the extra benefit, if you get too hot walking at the beach- the water is just waiting to cool you off.

*those with certain knee or foot issues should probably wear sneakers and be careful of very deep sand. also watch out for sharp objects when walking barefoot.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


we've been having some great summer weather here in connecticut and i've been able to squeeze in some gardening time. there's always some kind of yard work to do like weeding but i also have a vegetable garden and now that summer is in full swing there is plenty to do in it like weeding! depending on what one is doing two hours of gardening burns about 370 calories. but i'm not thinking about that although there is an exercise called the "farmer's walk"……

one plant that grows in both the yard and the garden is purslane "portula oleracea"- a native plant of india and the mid-east. an annual that looks like a mini jade plant, it is draught resistant and will grow and spread just about any where. that's why the weed part comes into the conversation.

but wait a minute. purslane is edible-tastes somewhat like spinach-and is full of vitamins c, a and e and omega 3's. many of us don't get enough omega 3's which help to keep us heart healthy and reduce inflammation. at only 9 calories a cup, the leaves make a healthy addition to salads or combine it with basil to make a more nutrient rich pesto.

seeds are also available but why bother? they say the taste is slightly better and it grows into a taller plant. maybe. but meanwhile i will just pick what's around and enjoy it in a salad. you may want to try it too then decide whether or not to call it a weed.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Venus and Mars

of course we all know that men and women are different, but just how different is still being determined and probably will never be figured out completely! for many years clinical research in disease, nutrition, and other health related issues were done only with men.  there was even a study done on the effects of estrogen and heart disease that was done solely on men! this mind set took many years to change but slowly, in the 1980's it began to change and took a leap forward in the 1990's when government funded clinical trials had to include women (and minorities). the more that women are included in studies the  more differences between us are being discovered.

this brings me to menopause and some recent information. sooner or later the "m" word will enter a woman's  life and being "hot" will take on an entirely new meaning. hot flashes affect over 70% of women making them one of the most common symptoms of menopause. hot flashes influence sleeping patterns, mood, quality of life, etc. and can last nine or more years. nine years!

there have been mixed results from studies on how to naturally reduce having hot flashes by using  remedies such as black cohosh or soy. but a study done this year reports that losing weight is likely to reduce their occurrence.  the women in the study were on a relatively (20%) low fat diet with a good amount of fiber. even a ten pound weight loss resulted in fewer hot flashes.

so this may be another benefit  when choosing a healthier lifestyle,  added to the long list of benefits that we already know about.  and as more and more  research shows-for both men and women-more physical activity along with weight management is critical to good health.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Ten Best Exercises-#4

a story (or skip to the exercise)
during high school a friend and i suddenly became enamored with fencing. i don't remember what caused this interest, we weren't even athletic types but we found lessons at a near by high school. the teacher-fencing master to be correct- was about 6'6" and a former hungarian olympic team member. he showed us no mercy. after that first lesson we could barely walk for a week!
what caused this soreness was the lunge-the basic attack or offensive movement in fencing. the knee is bent with the other leg straight out behind you while you push your body forward towards your opponent and…strike.

the exercise
the lunge is #4 on my ten best list. the movement is different than in fencing but works the same major muscles-upper and lower legs and glutes. that's why we were so sore we could hardly walk-no strength in those very important muscles. there are -like the other exercises-many variations to the lunge-front, reverse, walking and side- and the workout may be increased by holding weights in your hands or over your head. i'm going to describe a reverse (back) lunge which some people find easier to start with.  keeping your feet hip width apart and arms hanging by your sides step back with your left foot. as the ball of your foot touches the floor your hip should be dropping down with your front knee bending until your right thigh is parallel to the floor. then using your right foot push yourself back up. repeat reversing legs. don't lean forward too much and keep your knee over your toes. if in doubt look in a mirror as you're doing it. pay attention to the leg in front-that is the one actually doing the work. in the front lunge you are doing the same motion just stepping forward instead of backwards. as always- head up, shoulders down and back, abs tight. if you are unsure of your balance do this exercise next to something stable.

now i'm not suggesting that you include the lunge in your workout in order to become a musketeer
but to strengthen those  major muscle groups that are so important in many of our daily activities.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Keep Your Eyes on the...

shuttlecock or shuttle for short-guess that was a wise decision. anyway i was going to continue with my best exercise list this week but, finally, after convincing a friend to play badminton with me i thought this sport deserved some attention.
and it is a sport, an olympic sport no less since 1992 even though i don't ever remember it being televised. maybe that has something to do with the chinese team being one of the best? the sport began during the 1800's in india where it was played by the british military. it is closely related to a japanese game called "hanetski" which is very similar although played without a net. returning back to england, soldiers brought the sport back with them. there is a "badminton house" in england but no one is sure as to the origin of the name.
for olympic level badminton-which is played indoors-players need speed, agility, aerobic conditioning and excellent motor coordination. and that's what makes it a great summer sport for the rest of us since we need to run, jump, reach and bend all the while keeping our eyes on the shuttle. the shuttle is cone shaped with feathers so it reacts very differently than a ball while in the air.
you do need a set up-net, rackets, shuttle and some open lawn but that's about it. you don't even have to follow the  rules. so its not as fashionable as tennis-just have fun and you will be surprised and no doubt pleased at how fast your game improves after all those early misses.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The End of a Ritual?

i'm a movie buff although like many people in this digital age i also watch movies at home. but at certain times like when the the humidity is 90% or for certain movies-"gravity" is a good example- where a big screen makes a visual difference i go to a theater. for me, like many others, part of the ritual of movie going is having popcorn. i love popcorn!
popcorn was profitable for theater owners from the start but it took them time to realize this as initially popcorn was sold by street vendors outside the theaters. beginning during the depression movies were becoming very popular and popcorn was an inexpensive treat at around ten cents a bag. by 1945 half of all the popcorn sold was in movie theaters.
ten cents? that has certainly changed but the other change that is of more interest to me is that what once was around 270 calories is now:

  • 400-1200 calories
  • up to 1500 mg. of sodium
  • up to 60 grams of fat
and i won't even mention that squirt of "butter". so what to do? end the ritual or try and make it better.

i decided to make it better by using an air popper with organic, geo free popcorn for movie watching at home. two cups has only about 30 calories and no fat. even if i add a tablespoon of butter it would add only 100 more calories.  popcorn is not a big part of our diets but this is an easy way to make a snack healthier so why not. many movie theaters could also make a better popcorn and still make a profit. a few do but for now no more popcorn at the movie theater for me…

although i am looking forward to seeing "dawn of the planet of the apes" and may just bring a small bag of nuts to help with the transition as the aroma of popcorn fills the air.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Back to the Paleo Diet

recently i've noticed that the paleo diet has been making its way around the media again. two books on paleo* are in the top 20 advice books listed in the times and there are plenty others out there. i remember when i first heard about paleo in the media and it was in the form of caveman jokes. well times have changed!
so what's going on? i think it has something to do with the increasing popularity of cross fit as many cross fit trainers do paleo. cross fit focuses on strength, conditioning, creating a community and uses the "wod"-workout of the day. the workouts include timed activities such as tire flips (huge tires), kettle bell swings, pull ups, etc. it was started in 1995 by  former gymnast greg glassman and has been growing rapidly. in 1995 there were 18 affiliated gyms and by 2010 there were 1700.
my diet is quite paleo.  one recipe i make often is "paleo rice" and even if you don't do paleo this is a good way to get more vegetables into your diet instead of grains.

paleo rice
  • take one cauliflower, wash, remove any leaves and cut out the hard stem
  • break into florets
  • grate florets with a cheese grater or pulse in a food processor -not too fine. this way  is much faster and easier on the hands
  • you can either stir fry on top of the stove with a little oil**and your favorite spices or bake in a 375 degree oven on an oiled cookie sheet
  • either way, stir occasionally until  the "rice" is soft and lightly browned
*if you want to know more about paleo i suggest "the paleo diet" by loren cordon
**coconut oil is often used in paleo cooking and another oil that seems to be getting more notice lately is ghee

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

2014 World Cup Soccer/Better Breakfast

will you be one of the projected 13-16 million people watching the world cup today when america plays belgium? i don't really follow many sports but it seems like world cup fever is all around us so it is hard to avoid the excitement. the players are, of course, very fit. during a typical match they can run 6-8 miles or more. what i am interested in is their nutrition and so are their coaches as they know that nutrition is very important in regards to their players recovery and performance. the american team has its own chef and sports performance dietician. the players eat every 3-4 hours and consume about 3000-4000 calories a day.
so what are they eating? besides staying hydrated with water, lots of fruits (bananas to replace potassium), vegetables, protein, carbs and spices such as garlic and ginger that are used in a variety of dishes. one of the players favorite breakfast meals is chicken enchiladas with plenty of protein from eggs, chicken, cheese and also vegetables and garlic in a corn tortilla. certainly qualifies as a "better breakfast" in my book.
one thing they don't eat, especially before bed time, is sugar. good advice for all of us!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Ten Best Exercises-#3

pushups. i don't like to do pushups. why? because they are hard for me to do ( i also have carpal tunnel issues) and until i really worked on having a stronger upper body i couldn't even do one! now that has changed. this is a classic ten because, as with the others, you don't really need any equipment, can do it anywhere and it really works. as i have mentioned before, women, especially as we get older lose upper body strength rapidly. don't let this happen! if you can only do one modified pushup that's OK. just start slowly and work your way up. to give you some averages:

  • women between 50 and 60 who can do 6-14 pushups are considered to be in the average category, if you can do 15-29 that is good and above 29 is considered excellent
  • if you are in your 40's then above 34 is excellent
  • if you are over 60 then over 19 is excellent
again form counts. your head should remain in a neutral position, ie. inline with your spine. your feet should be about hip width apart. if you are just beginning and need more stability spread your feet further apart or do a modified pushup with your knees on the floor. hands are slightly outside of your shoulders with an open palm and spread fingers. keep your body straight with your abs pulled in while lowering yourself almost to the floor, pause and come back up.
there are many variations to this basic pushup such as doing it on an incline or decline. if  you are ready for a challenge place your hands on a stability ball while doing a pushup and that alone will make your arms work 30% harder than if you were doing it on the floor.
whether it is carrying groceries or water for the garden i notice the difference in my upper body strength and it feels good. think about the activities that you usually do and how many would be helped by being stronger. and by the way-happy summer!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Perform Better (Breakfast)

just returned from the 2014 perform better functional training conference which was sold out, very well done and inspiring. although there was only one presentation on nutrition  (by dr. christopher mohr) my thoughts on having a better breakfast were validated (see my post from 4/8). besides eating a healthy breakfast he also talked about getting more protein into that meal-ideally 1/3 of your daily protein requirement. it might just be that by making this one adjustment to your diet you will consume fewer calories during the day and that will, over time, result in -you guessed it -weight loss!

so consider making your better breakfast even better by including more protein. even if you are not concerned about weight loss having your protein balanced throughout the day is a better option than what most americans do which is to overload on protein at dinner with hardly any at breakfast and only slightly more at lunch. i realize that part of the reason for this is the rush to get going in the morning when it is easier to just eat on the run or do fast food. but even if your time is limited there are always healthier choices-shakes can be made the night before, low sugar protein bars, hard boiled eggs. even trader joe's has  frozen oatmeal with quinoa that just gets popped into the microwave. better choices create better health and more energy throughout the day. most people know this but why aren't they doing it? do you?

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Yacon Syrup-Too Good to be True?

i learned of yacon syrup last fall and when i went to order some it was already sold out and this was even before dr. oz featured it on his show! is it  a weight loss aid and more? but first, what is it? yacon  is a tuber, looks like a sweet potato, is grown in the andes and the syrup made from it is used as a sweetener. some compare the taste to molasses, raisins or figs. it is lower in calories than most sweeteners-having 20 per tablespoon, contains prebiotics and fiber so sounds pretty good although taking too much can cause intestinal distress. yacon contains FRUCTOOLIGOSACCHARIDES-wow! our gut bacteria like this stuff. when we consume it  the taste is sweet but our body doesn't recognize it as "food" so it passes right through-that's partly how it works.

if you want to try it start with a small amount such as one teaspoon an hour before meals. you cannot bake with it. make sure you get 100% yacon syrup with no additives.

 at this time there is very little actual research and only one study that supports weight loss claims. it may have real benefits but it is too soon to tell. if history teaches us anything about so called magic pills or foods for weight loss we should all know by now that there is no such thing*-just eat less and move more!

*unless you count having your stomach stapled as magic

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

10 Best Exercises, cont.

how many times, everyday, do we sit and stand or bend and lift? these are movements of everyday living and the squat is the exercise that strengthens the muscles used during these movements.  so the squat is my number 2 classic best exercise. no other equipment is needed to do squats although there are many variations-isometric, TRX, single leg, etc. that do incorporate such items as weights or bands.
the squat works your lower body and core. some of the variations can turn it into a full body exercise.

stand with your arms either by your sides or straight out in front at shoulder height.* feet should be shoulder width apart and pointing straight or at a slight outward angle. brace (engage) your core and lower your body down by moving your hips backwards, bending your knees until your thighs are about parallel to the floor. pause then come back up pushing through your heels. repeat. pretty straightforward but there are a few don'ts:

  • don't let your knees go in front of your feet
  • don't lock your knees
  • don't round your lower back
  • don't lower your arms-keep them at shoulder height 
  • don't lean too far forward-if you feel your weight on the balls of your feet then your are too far forward
by doing squats you are working your quads, hamstrings and glutes-the major muscles we need to keep strong as we get older. we have all known people of a certain age that can no longer get up from a chair without help. in the future i don't want you to be one of those people and by doing squats along with other exercises you won't be.

*always remember to warm up before starting any exercise 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Number 2 Can Wait-Read Daniel Duane

two weeks ago i started with my ten best classic exercises and was going to continue this week but on sunday i read  an article by daniel duane that i highly recommend. he and i happen to agree on certain fitness issues that not everyone in the fitness "biz" follows. and as a reminder what my goals are- to teach you how to work out and how to work out correctly so that you can do it on your own if that is your preference. it is all about what works for you. daniel took a journey and found out what works for him. you can just google him or his article "fitness crazed" or try the link below. number two out of 10 next week.

www.nytimes.com  and in the search box enter fitness crazed

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Grain Brain, Gluten Free

gluten free seems to be every where these days. some say its real, some say a fad. "grain brain" by david perlmutter has been on the ny times bestseller list for some time now so i hope his research is changing people's minds about grain. but another issue is what commercially made gluten free products are actually made from. have you ever read the ingredients list on any of these products? sure they are gluten free-great no wheat- but that does not mean that they are healthy as many contain such ingredients as rice flour and/or starch, cornstarch, potato starch and tapioca starch as well as extra sugars and all kinds of things i can't even pronounce. these starches are not good carbs and can raise your blood sugar very fast. but they all are relatively inexpensive and that is why they are used. even if you don't have time to bake at home  i  want you to be aware of what you are eating.  like many others who also want a better product that is gluten free, i use almond flour. here is the nutritional info for almond flour, traditional whole wheat flour and rice flour.  compare and pick up a copy of "grain brain" and  make up your own mind.

1 cup of almond flour:
640 calories
24 grams total carbs
12 grams fiber
4 gram sugar
24 grams protein

1 cup of whole wheat flour:
455 calories
95 grams total carbs
3.4 gram fiber
0 sugar
13 grams protein

1 cup of rice flour (also note that some recipes use rice starch. how do you make rice starch-by soaking rice in lye!):
578 calories
127 grams of carbs
3.8 grams of fiber
.2 grams of sugar
9 grams of protein

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Best "Classic" Ten Exercises

 in my future posts i am going to review what i term the "best classic 10 " exercises. why classic? because they are easy to learn, need little, if any equipment and work! much of what we consider new, hot and cutting edge in the fitness world are these movement patterns revamped and revamped doesn't necessarily mean better. studies have also shown (you know i like studies) that they work by comparing them to other exercises-with or without equipment-and have found that they are more efficient and will give you faster, better results.

#1. the crunch-the crunch has been tested against (this is a partial list, 16 different ab exercises were tested in total) planks, ab rollers, the yoga boat pose and is superior in muscle activation (the method by which muscles get stronger). want a flatter belly and more support for your lower back? do crunches*. here's how to do a crunch correctly:

  • lie on the floor-a mat is great if you have one-with knees bent and feet flat on the floor**
  • cross you hands on your upper chest. this is better than having your hands behind your head so you don't raise yourself up by your arms pulling up your head
  • pull in your abdominal muscles and keep your lower back flat, touching the floor
  • raise your head and shoulder blades off the floor while feeling your abs work
  • hold briefly, lower and repeat
do not raise up too far-it does not add any benefit. keep your eyes up to the ceiling, you should not be able to see your knees. the movement going down should be controlled as you are now resisting gravity giving you more of a challenge.
if this gets too easy move your arms straight back over your head and keep them there!
so now you know how to do the classic crunch-get crunching!

*if you have lower back pain you should avoid this exercise
**remember to always warm up before and to cool down (by stretching and/or myofascial release) after

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Let the Sun Shine

this information recently caught my eye. many of us in new england felt that our winter was quite hard, long and dark. now that spring is here with its longer hours of sunlight i know i feel better and more energetic. most of us know about the winter blues also called "sad"- seasonal affective disorder. but it seems there is another aspect of our exposure to sunlight-especially morning sun-that may go beyond just feeling better. more studies are needed but it seems that irregardless of one's activity level or age exposure to morning sun (8 am-12) for 20-30 minutes may help to regulate how hungry we feel, reset our body clocks and help with weight control. indoor light does not have the same affect. how many millions of years did we evolve with only sunlight! hopefully the ongoing studies will be more specific but meanwhile maybe it is the time for more of us to get up earlier and do our exercise or have our breakfast outside. it might just be a pleasant way to help with maintaining a healthy weight along with getting some extra vitamin d.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Inspired by: Nina Bentley

i first met nina bentley as we are both visual artists and belong to the same artist’s organization. but there is another side to nina that many are surprised to learn-she is an avid rower. now nina does not look like what most of us would think of as rowers-­young, ivy league college men-­so as a land only rower (so far) i was interested in how nina got involved with this unique, challenging sport and she agreed to talk with me.
nina has always been athletic. in high school she played volleyball and was a cheerleader. in college she played field hockey; at age 20 began playing tennis and has done so for 40 years; learned to ski at 30 and for the past 5 years has been rowing. i’ll say she's active and she still finds time to make art! feeling energized after loosing weight, she had often noticed the rowing club in her town and just decided to give it a go. in her learning to row classes she was initially fearful about falling into the water but the more she learned, the more confident she became, the greater the sense of accomplishment she felt. the fear and nervousness vanished. nina explained how technically difficult rowing is­-there are many adjustments to the boat and much  precision is needed by the group to row in sequence. rowing can be a single or a group activity and nina does both. as you can see by the photo the group has fun on the water. they also meet socially off the water.
nina rows 3 days a week. in the winter many rowers work indoors on an ergometer. one needs to have strong lower body and core muscles to row and either on land or water it is an excellent total body workout.
nina has inspired me to try the real thing. think about what new activity or sport you might like to try and like nina, don’t be held back by doubts or fears. go ahead and give it a try and ­you could be rewarded in ways you haven’t even considered-­just like nina.

to view nina's art www.ninabentley.com

this is the link for the type of ergometer (rowing machine) that i use www.waterrower.com
you might have also see it on season 1 and 2 of "house of cards". the resistance is actually created by water making it seem more like the real thing.

nina is 3rd from right in the red wig

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Jumping Into Spring

have some fun with this basic, easy to do exercise that really works. what is it? jumping rope of course. the equipment is not expensive, you can take it anywhere and it can be less stressful to your joints than jogging. that being said if you have knee and/or lower back issues this might not be your best choice.  but otherwise it is a quick way to really boost your metabolism, get a full body workout and burn calories. there are a few tips to get it right-if possible jump on a wood floor or an impact mat; keep your elbows loose and turn your wrists not your arms. try to be light on your feet and try different foot positions. to size a rope, step on it while holding the handles-the handles should reach your armpits. if you haven't jumped rope since you were a kid start slowly-say 1-2 minute intervals and work your time up as you build endurance. doing some strength work in-between, some squats or bicep curls, makes for an even more complete workout.
coming next week-an interview with nina b.-artist and rower extraordinaire

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Gluten Free Better Breakfast Muffins

this is a quick, easy breakfast muffin recipe that is low sugar, gluten free and has protein. make a double batch and freeze some for those days when you need a quick, but healthy breakfast. i like them with some almond butter and/or some fruit jam. they also make a healthy, balanced afternoon snack.


1 1/2 cup almond flour plus ( if this is too complicated for you just use 2 1/2 cup of almond flour. muffins will still have some protein as almond flour has more than wheat flour )
 1/2 cup almond meal
1/4 cup golden flaxseed meal
2  tbl. hemp protein powder or protein powder of your choice
1 1/2 tbl. shredded coconut (unsweetened)
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/3 cup chopped walnuts or nut of your choice
1/4 cup raisins or other dried fruit
1/4 cup melted coconut oil
1/4 cup maple syrup or honey
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla

preheat oven to 350 degress.  line muffin pan with cup cake papers or lightly oil.  in a large bowl combine all the dry ingredients. stir. in a separate bowl lightly whisk the eggs then combine with the rest of the wet ingredients. pour into the dry ingredients and mix with a large spoon. drop by tablespoons into the pan. i usually get 10 muffins out of this recipe. bake for approximately 15-20 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into a muffin comes out clean. let cool on a rack . if freezing make sure that the muffins are cool before you wrap and store them.
gluten free better breakfast muffins

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Better Breakfast

prior to my annual physical i had blood work done the other morning which meant no breakfast until after it was done (by jose the vampire no less!). not a big deal but i love breakfast and not just for the caffeine boost so i couldn't wait to get back home. no fast food breakfast for me. i hope you like breakfast too. many people, especially women, skip this meal but there are quite a few reasons why that is not a good idea: women who skip breakfast have a increased chance of developing type 2 diabetes; men and women have increased risk of heart disease, elevated blood sugar levels and hypertension if they skip; many studies have shown that to lose weight and keep it off over time eating breakfast is a key factor;  when you eat breakfast everyday your memory improves and you jump start your metabolism. it is important that you also eat breakfast within an hour of waking up to achieve the metabolism jump start. after all it is break fast.
the other important part of breakfast is that it is nutritious! that does not mean just sugar and carbs like in  a donut.
eggs, oatmeal, grapefruit, berries, plain greek yogurt, coffee or tea are all good choices. remember some of these from my last post on super foods?
what did i have when i got back home-water, coffee with coconut milk and my own special protein muffin with some almond butter. yum. i will post the recipe next week.
meanwhile if a better breakfast has not been part of your morning routine, please give it a try. it need not take much time to make and will make the rest of your day better.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Top Ten Super Foods

a few definitions*. first-the word nutrition comes from nourish "to provide with food or other substances necessary for life and growth." and food-"material consisting essentially of protein, fat and carbohydrate used in the body…to sustain growth, repair, vital processes and to furnish energy." i recently read that out of 125 medical schools only about 30 require any nutritional education!

i was thinking about nutrition in regards to top 10 super food lists. these  lists are interesting to compare in part because they are changing all the time as more research is being done and who is promoting what. dr. oz seems to be particularly popular-often after he does a segment on his show-yacon syrup is a recent example-the product will sell out.  kale has had a makeover and remember when all anyone knew about chia was "pets".

after reading many  lists two foods stood out as being mentioned most-broccoli and berries. the runners up-eggs, nuts and sweet potatoes. i predict there are also some fruits from south america that will soon be added to these  lists. here are some of the other super foods. do any make your list and more importantly how many are you eating for super nutrition?

ginger                                               quinoa
hemp                                                spinach
cocoa                                               black or green tea
wild salmon                                     oats
coconut oil                                       sea vegetables

*thank you webster's

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

An Apple a Day or….

i love apples and eat them in the winter even though they are not in season and it is better to eat what is in season. the most benefit actually comes from  eating the skin so organic is preferred. usually i choose whole fruits but lately i have also been drinking tart cherry juice. you may already know about this super antioxidant loaded juice but if not here are some of the reported benefits:

  • promotes heart health
  • may help in reducing the chance of some cancers
  • it is a sleep aid as it contains natural melatonin
  • it is an anti-inflammatory
 it is this last one that is of particular interest to those who work out. sports medicine studies have shown that by drinking tart cherry juice exercisers had less pain, inflammation and strength loss after a hard workout.
one cup of juice has 137 calories. i happen to like the taste and if you are enjoying an evening at home it could make a unique cocktail or enjoyed with some sparkling water-that is unless you want to be a night owl. i was having it at lunch time and  thought i was feeling more tired than usual-just remember the natural melatonin!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

More Chocolate News

in my february 11 blog titled "dark matters" i wrote about how good dark chocolate is for us. but it does contain extra calories- mostly from sugar- that we don't really need. to solve this issue and to see if the benefits from dark chocolate are real a new study is starting sponsored by the mars company (you know what they make) and a health institute. the main question they will be looking at is if the flavonoids in cacao will protect our hearts. 18,000 adults  will take 2, no taste pills a day for 4 years.  to equal the amount of flavonoids in the pills you would need to eat about 5 bars of dark chocolate a day. 4 years is a long time, maybe the results will be dramatic and come sooner. meanwhile i am going to continue enjoying my several ounces of dark chocolate every week. i just wonder if a pill that is isolating one part of the cacao is the answer or is it the combination of the whole bean that makes it beneficial? this has also been the issue with other foods such as garlic and with red wine. do we want our health benefits from food to come in a pill? is it possible that a pill can ever be as good as the real thing? isn't the saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away"?

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

I Hop and I Don't Mean Pancakes!

so much new information all the time! one of my goals with this blog is to help you be aware of some of this new information in a concise manner. just as there are numerous studies and discoveries in the areas of health and nutrition leading to revised recommendations (coconut oil was once the worst, now not so bad and even beneficial) it is also true in the world of exercise/fitness. of course the benefits of cardio, strength training and flexibility haven't changed but to achieve certain targeted benefits you need to keep up to date.
for instance women, especially after menopause, lose bone mass. this is a critical issue as loss of bone mass may lead to future fractures and frailty. taking a calcium supplement is not enough protection. bone is living tissue and needs to be worked, worked harder than previously thought. new studies have shown that if we want to increase bone mass we need to place more force/impact on our bones. great cardio exercises like rowing, swimming and biking will not help our bones grow stronger. brisk  walking, stair climbing and weight lifting will. jumping jacks, jumping rope even hopping around will. no expensive exercise equipment needed.
so if you see me or others jumping or hopping around you now know why.

ps-remember to progress slowly with higher impact types of exercises and unless you are very fit plyometrics is not for you. some trainers push clients to do movements they are not ready for-you know your body best. if in doubt consult your doctor.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Nutritional Reading

 suggested changes to labels courtesy of the FDA
i don't  know about you but i am still often shocked when i really pay attention to how fast calories can add up. equally shocking, but very important is  to read  the calorie counts that certain restaurant menus list. how can that be, that salad has 1000 calories?!
eating less sugar, controlling portion sizes and/or counting calories are ways that many us use to manage our weight and to be healthier. if you have ever looked at current nutrition labels you know that they could be a lot more user friendly. it only took 20 years (!) and companies still have 2 years (!) to be compliant but we will finally be getting new food labels! the 3 main changes will be
  • the number of calories will be in a larger, bold text-great won't need glasses
  • the portion sizes will reflect reality (more on this below)-whose reality?
  • an additional line for added sugars-as a nation we eat more sugar than any other country. of course the lobbyists may fight this tooth and nail and it still may be deleted
portion sizes are where many of us get into trouble calorie wise. many food items and drinks have been "super-sized" and we now think of these larger portions as normal but over time this has contributed to weight gain. for instance the standard portion of ice cream is a half cup. but for most people the reality is that they eat at least a cup or more. a half cup of ice cream is about 140 calories so perhaps the new label showing a cup as a portion with its 280 calories will be more correct as far as what that person is actually consuming.  the question remains whether or not seeing the larger number of calories will have any real affect on eating smaller portions. time will tell. this is a small improvement that has taken much too long but for those of us trying to eat healthy and not gain weight the new labels should be easier to read and understand.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The 1/2 Hour Workout

time challenged?  granted an hour workout is preferable but if you only have a 1/2 hour, maybe during your lunch break or right before or after work, are there any real benefits? yes! but  in  part that depends on you and/or your trainer. you need to be disciplined enough to do it and you both need to know what type of movements to do for the most benefit.
for example-2 groups of people each did a 1/2 hour of movement. the first  group biked on a stationary bike for 30 minutes. the second group biked for 15 minutes then did 15 minutes of weight training. after 8 weeks the first group lost 3 1/2 pounds, the second lost 8 pounds. besides the benefit of greater weight loss the second group had the additional benefit of losing a greater percentage of body fat while gaining a greater percentage of muscle or lean body mass. most of us need and want more lean body mass to make us healthier, stronger and able to burn more calories- even when we are not working out.
so if you are not working out because you only have 30 minutes- think again the benefits are worth it.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Had Enough of the Cold? Maybe not….

another cold, snowy day. i have been walking on the treadmill watching johnny do his keith as pirate interpretation in pirates of the caribbean. shiver me timbers! i have 4 layers on. the room is maybe 55 degrees. as i warm up one by one the layers come off.
ah, winter. had enough of this snowy, cold weather, not planning a trip to the caribbean and spending too much time indoors? increasingly that time indoors is also at a higher temperature than it used to be.  it feels great but may also have a downside-not being in the cold enough may interfere with our bodies ability to create heat  meaning that it burns fewer calories and that adds to weight gain.
to make matters worse we also have 2 types of basic fat (isn't one bad enough!) white fat and brown fat. we want more brown fat as it  is more active so uses more energy and some of that white fat to make heat. being exposed to the cold more often just might help make more brown fat.
research indicates a reduction in white fat and an increase in brown fat and the resulting higher number of calories burned with longer cold exposure. it is estimated that if we could activate just 3 ounces of brown fat our bodies could burn an extra 400 calories a day. that could mean approximately 3 1/2 pounds lost in a month-a  cold month. but not even that cold, we are not talking sub-zero here. research has found greater brown fat activity in just 2 hours spent at 61 degrees.
not exactly a magic pill, just something to think about next time you turn up your thermostat or think that it's too cold to walk outside. i wonder if  cold showers during a caribbean stay might work?

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Dark Matters

chocolate-dark chocolate-has been consumed since around 1400 bc in central and south america. thought to have medicinal qualities and used in ceremonies it was made into a drink that was quite bitter. it wasn't until the spanish brought it back to europe, honey or sugar was added and the now not so bitter drink became an expensive treat for the elite. it wasn't until the mid 1800's that the first chocolate bar was produced in england. that's when the dark became milk.
dark chocolate has little or no milk. we now know that it actually does have health benefits for our hearts, mind and energy levels. a simple explanation for the benefits is that cocoa (cacao) beans contain flavonoids that contain antioxidant properties. but to get the benefits dark matters-chocolate with at least 70% cocoa solids or higher.
don't go crazy-an ounce several times a week!
and why did chocolate become the gift of choice for valentine's day? at times it was also thought to be an aphrodisiac or maybe just very smart marketing. in any case be good to your loved ones and yourself by  remembering that in regards to chocolate-dark matters.

ps: for valentine's day you might want to try the raw, hemp brownie recipe, 12/18 post

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Diet Daze

the other day, looking through the new books section at the library what do i see but another new diet book. this should not have surprised me as diet books are a multi- million dollar industry. and why is this possible? we want someone to discover the secret to weight lose and unfortunately,  even amongst those who do lose weight, many gain it right back within a year and get on the roller coaster once again.

i am not a dietician or nutritionist and am not endorsing any particular book but am writing about my own experiences and making several suggestions. i have probably read most of the diet books (partial list below) especially those written by doctors but diets don't work long term-you need to change your eating/ lifestyle habits and find what works for you. i happen to be very carb sensitive so  low carb eating works for me. portion control is also very important. one bowl of cereal shown in an ad usually contains about 2 cups of cereal and that is not a serving-read the box. calories count but not all calories are equal in the sense that eating an apple with 80 calories is different than eating the same number of calories in sugar. even small changes can make a big difference.

it is all so confusing-no wonder many people just give up. one day this food group is good for us, the next week it is not. although the one item that most experts seem to agree upon is that sugar is bad for us. also that to be successful with weight lose and maintenance we  need to engage in regular exercise.

here is a partial list of some of the more recent diet books* that you might want to check out:

  • the omni diet-tans amen
  • the fast diet-dr. michael mosley
  • the dukan diet-dr. pierre divan
  • the paleo diet-loren cordain
  • grain brain-david perlmutter
  • wheat belly-william davies
  • why we get fat-gary taubes
  • the south beach diet-arthur agatston
  • the duke diet-howard eisenson
  • eat more, weigh less-dean ornish
*many of these also have web sites and the fast diet was featured in a PBS show that was quite interesting

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Myo, My…..

myo  what? myofascial release! you've heard of this, right? or have seen those foam rollers in stores. they range from about  $15.00-$40.00, come in several lengths and various colors. you need to get one-a longer, dense foam type. we need not get technical here but by using the roller (other items used for the same purpose are golf and tennis balls) you will release the knots in your muscles along with other added benefits. after my workouts and after some stretching i roll.  if you have a mat put that down and sit on it. put the roller under different parts of your body, especially good for legs, and while applying pressure slowly roll back and forth. you will feel the knots-they hurt! but keep going back over them and over time they will release. you may feel clumsy at first but the learning curve is pretty short.
myofascial release is recommended by everyone  in the fitness world. you tube has videos or pick up a roller and when you come for your 1/2 hour complimentary consultation i will show you how to use it.
so get rolling!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Don't Hate Exercise!

made a decision yet? ready to get started? or if you have started what will keep you going?
many of those big, chain gyms have thousands of members but they know that only a small percentage  of its members will actually keep coming month after month. there are, of course, many reason for not going and many people, especially women, say they hate to exercise. but it might help to think of "exercise" as movement. your body was designed for movement. it is a miracle of design with its ability to move in so many ways. but if you don't move enough (exercise) it won't function the way it is designed to-the best way.

think about your reasons for not moving. besides the obvious of time/money do you find it boring, repetitive, don't know how or how to start, feel clumsy, embarrassed, think you're too old?
to help with these negative reasons  many people find that by working with an innovative personal trainer most of them will disappear. a trainer who knows how to design a variety of interesting, challenging movement sequences that are geared towards your goals, dare i say, may even be fun and might be just what you need to get started and stay motivated.

so don't think you hate exercise. you just haven't found the activity, program or trainer that works for you. come see what i do here at studio 65-it might just be what works for you.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Opening Specials

to help those who feel their  main reasons for not working out-time and/or money-studio 65 is offering the following opening specials through april. first, come and see the space and get a complimentary half hour consultation. after that,  try  either a half hour session for $25.00 or an hour for $40.00 to see if you like my approach. then  if you would like to continue, you have these two options:
half hour of personal training designed for you for $25.00 per session with a four session minimum or if you have the time and want the benefit of an hour, the special price is $40.00 per session with a six session minimum.

to schedule an appointment or for any questions -

let me inspire you to feel and function at your best. it takes work but the rewards are worth it.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Take a look

pictured above is studio 65, my boutique fitness studio that focuses on functional training-including cardio, strength, balance and flexibility-geared for women and using such equipment as dumbbells, kettle bells, sand bells, battle ropes, bosu, balance balls and the indo water rower. of course the best piece of equipment is what you bring-your own body! programs are individually designed based on each woman's particular needs and goals. as i have experienced many of the challenges of our changing bodies, body images and health (why didn't i wear that bikini when i was 20? 30?) and felt so out of place in the chain gyms, i decided to open a fitness studio in a different type of setting where women would feel comfortable and understood but also be exposed to the most efficient and proven ways to improve fitness and health. the official opening day is january 15th-stay tuned.

the indo rower-a great full body cardio workout with no joint stress