Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Best "Classic" Ten Exercises

 in my future posts i am going to review what i term the "best classic 10 " exercises. why classic? because they are easy to learn, need little, if any equipment and work! much of what we consider new, hot and cutting edge in the fitness world are these movement patterns revamped and revamped doesn't necessarily mean better. studies have also shown (you know i like studies) that they work by comparing them to other exercises-with or without equipment-and have found that they are more efficient and will give you faster, better results.

#1. the crunch-the crunch has been tested against (this is a partial list, 16 different ab exercises were tested in total) planks, ab rollers, the yoga boat pose and is superior in muscle activation (the method by which muscles get stronger). want a flatter belly and more support for your lower back? do crunches*. here's how to do a crunch correctly:

  • lie on the floor-a mat is great if you have one-with knees bent and feet flat on the floor**
  • cross you hands on your upper chest. this is better than having your hands behind your head so you don't raise yourself up by your arms pulling up your head
  • pull in your abdominal muscles and keep your lower back flat, touching the floor
  • raise your head and shoulder blades off the floor while feeling your abs work
  • hold briefly, lower and repeat
do not raise up too far-it does not add any benefit. keep your eyes up to the ceiling, you should not be able to see your knees. the movement going down should be controlled as you are now resisting gravity giving you more of a challenge.
if this gets too easy move your arms straight back over your head and keep them there!
so now you know how to do the classic crunch-get crunching!

*if you have lower back pain you should avoid this exercise
**remember to always warm up before and to cool down (by stretching and/or myofascial release) after

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