many of us don't get enough sleep, the recommended 7-9 hours each night. but more and more studies are proving how important sleep is for our health, minds and overall fitness. and think about it-evolution chose sleep even though it meant that we would be basically helpless during the night. so it must be a critical function for life. it is when the body repairs tisssues and nerve cells, the mind organizes
information and puts what we have learned during the day into our memory banks in order to get ready for the next day's batch of information.
how does sleep apply to fitness? not to be too technical but while we sleep our bodies release human growth hormone (HGH). HGH improves fitness. muscles need time to repair. it has also been shown that frequent lack of sleep increases the risk of being overweight. in this case a hormone that regulates appetite is not released enough.
so don't think of sleep as a waste of time but rather as the time our bodies need so they (we) can function at their (our) best.
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