as we age it is critical that we pay attention to our balance. just like many other body related issues our ability to balance begins decreasing in our 20's. there are many issues affecting our ability to balance but most of us could also use more time spent on balance during our workouts.
so how good is your balance? here are 2 simple tests to let you know. if possible do them with a friend so one of you can watch the time (a stopwatch is handy but a clock with a second hand will do) and be there as support-if needed.
1. with bare feet and your eyes open stand with one foot directly in front of the other foot. fold your arms across your chest placing your hands on your shoulders. practice this position a few times and then with timing ready close your eyes. keep timing until your eyes open or you move out of position. do twice on each side. if you are unable to do this for 30 seconds you need to work on your balance and posture control.
2. if you can do the above for 60 seconds try this second test that is more challenging. again bare feet. place your hands on your hips and raise up one foot and lightly place it just below the knee on the inside of the straight leg. raise up onto the ball of your foot, eyes open. again practice a few times before timing and take the best time out of several tries on each leg. timing stops when any movement happens. these numbers will give you a guide to where you stand. for men-excellent 50 or more seconds, average 31-40 and poor 20 or less. for women 30 or more is excellent, average is 16-24 and poor is less than 10.
next week i will give some examples of simple exercises you can do to improve balance.
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