Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Weight Loss

usually i like to blog about what to do but this post will have some suggestions about what not to do -or think- when trying to lose weight.

  1. you will not lose weight by exercise alone. your nutrition and calorie count needs to be correct.
  2. crash diets don't work over the long term-they are a quick fix. no one can live on a crash diet forever and often, as soon as you go back to your regular habits the weight comes back.
  3. even worse than above and for similar reasons are so called weight loss supplements. don't take them!
  4. don't set a huge goal that is probably unrealistic and since you won't reach it you may get discouraged and give up. any weight loss-if you are over weight-is a benefit to your health. a loss of a pound per week, slow and steady is the way to go.
  5. unless your eating habits are poor, small changes such as eating smaller portions and getting more exercise will create steady, long term weight loss.
  6. don't make it overly complicated. there is so much information out there with new diet books coming out all the time it can make one crazy. you just need to find what works for you. some people like calorie counting especially now that there are so many apps that list all kinds of foods, some do well with paleo or the mediteranean plan and some like the community of weight watchers. 
you can do it! and when you go off course, as we all do, don't berate yourself just get right back into the healthier lifestyle  that you have chosen.

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